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Garden Smart From Table to Garden

Many don't think of this but you can plant ordinary things you can buy at the grocery store right into the ground. Amy shows us some onions that are getting a little old. She removes the end, which could be eaten. Then just plants them in the ground, they will multiply, grow up and be pretty. These plants are probably a year old so time was saved from growing them from seed. Amy also buys the little pearl onions that can be expensive. When you see the suckers on the ends that means they want to grow, so just put them in the ground, give them a little room and they will multiply and save a lot of money. Amy does the same with french shallots. She sticks them right in the ground. Merlon, a squash, grown mostly in the south is also called chayote is a vine so should be grown on a trellis and it too thrives. Ginger is another great plant to grow. Look for the tips, possibly divide into several pieces, thus getting several plants. With ginger lay the plant out flat to plant. Again, it's a relatively expensive item in the grocery store but it won't take too long before you have a really nice crop. This approach can save a lot of money. When at the grocery store, we're going to find what we want to eat anyway so as you're looking around there are tons of things we could take home and put into our garden.

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