
I almost got hooked by an phishing email from my yahoo mail.

I got a mail at Sep13th like this :

Title : (Statement Account Report):

Statement New Login From Google Chrome on September, ID(908-271-229)

it said that my Apple ID is tempory locked.  If I did nothing, my Apple ID will be permently locked after 10 days.  I clicked in "Login Apple".  It brought me to a new website which looked like Apple Support.(as followed pic)

It asked me to "verfied" myself.  It asked about my social security number, my credit card number......    So I got suspious and stopped.  I called today to see if this is leglit.  

I google the website.  and call from this page :

The first number 3707 was disconnected, so I dial the 1800 608 5461, a heavy accented India woman answered the phone. 

She asked me to connect to share screen with her.  Our computer got connected with a service12345 code.  I gave her my email again.  Later she said she need to ask the techenical department to assist me.  A also very heavy accented India man talked to me and saw the email I showed on my computer.  He said that it was a formal Apple support and told me to go  ahead and confirmed my ID.   

I was not very happy.  so I kept asking why do I need to resend all the information I had put in, especially the social security number?   What was the different about Apple ID and I Tune ID.  He was not paitient, and told me that it was necessary to reconfirm it.  Finally he told me that I will be charged for 99 dollars to solve the "breach".   I asked him where did it say about the charge and where did the breach come from.  

The the phone line went dead.

I suddenly relieze that this is a fruad.  I turned off my computer to disconnect the internet, later got the customer service line from  This time a good English speaking lady confirm that that was not their mail, and advised me to change my Apple ID password.

Hopefully, this will help someone who also got a phising email like the one I got.

簡述一下 :

我收到一封 email 要凍結我的蘋果帳戶郵件  (Apple ID),  擱置幾天後我點擊去連結網頁 Link 。 登錄後發現要填一堆社會安全號碼跟信用卡資料 , 感覺怪怪的  。今天用手機估狗出號碼 , 先跟一個印度口音很重的女人, 要求連結電腦來查資料。 一來一往, 英文不通順  ,很難了解他的語言。終於連結後, 轉到一個同樣印度口音的男人,  他說這篇郵件的確是蘋果發出的, 我就把網頁所要的資料填好確認就好。  我還是覺得對填上社會安全碼挺狐疑的,  就跟他碎碎念, 他大概起了貪念,  說要收美金99元的服務費,  因為我毀約。  我追問哪裡有寫這個費用,  跟哪裡有毀約, 他就掛掉了。

我馬上關掉電腦, 取消連結  。之後再從蘋果公司打一次電話,  確定是詐騙集團的釣魚網頁。

    創作者 AvaGee 的頭像


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