
想要上一張照片 卻發現太久沒有用這裡  又不會上傳照片了  就通知一聲  這篇先上了我udn的主網頁了


Our home phone received a call this morning.  Its caller ID was like this :

 My husband picked up and answered it. I picked up the other line after him. On the other end of the line was a female voice with Idian accent.

(Man as my husband, Woman as the telemarketer/fraud)

W : I am calling concerning your computer, OK?

M : OK.

W : Your computer has problems.  It cannot update microsoft programs.  I can help you with that.  Is your computer on? (I was on on line at this moment in another room)

M : No. 

W :  Can you turn on your computer now?

M : No.

W : Why not?

M : I am busy right now.

W :  What is the better time to call you? Six O'clock this evening?

M :  Un...  Its not good.  Maybe 8 O'clock.

I interrupted :  You are fraud.  Your caller ID even showed that you are Food Bank From New York City.  I had told you to stop calling this phone. STOP CALLING US.


For a few months, I had received dozens of phone calls from another male caller with Idian accents.  Sometimes twice a day.  The beginning of him was alwasys as "I am calling about your computer.  OK?"    His English was poor as the quality of the clearity of those calls.  I either answered :  "My computer is fine."  or "I don't need your service." or " I cannot understand your English."  Finally when I heard "his voice", I just told him to stop calling this number.  The calls stoped for few weeks.  This moring confirms that our number is still in the frauds' pick up line.

It's not about your computer.  It's about outsmart the villians.

@@It is a great app to filter unwanted calls for you and is developed by a Taiwanese company!

今天早上因為老公跟基地不名的詐騙集團對話。 我先寫下來跟美國的朋友分享。 以下是我之前(2011/05/20)在 Tucson家裡接到的詐騙對話 。 反正不要接受免費或不明原由的好處或服務,  也不要當爛好人(今天的詐騙集團的來電顯示還是紐約市的食物銀行呢) 。 大家都要小心哦!!!

騙術/ 詐欺 !!??? 香港置地廣場購物中心

在 10  天內,   一連接到三通電話,   電話中陸陸續續 說明 ,  號稱該公司要在  Tucson 成立大型購物中心,   並給我貴賓卡號碼。   Tucson 分店將於2011年底成立。    號稱為了宣傳, 之後會在環球衛視播放抽獎 (告知對方我家沒有安裝衛星電視,  她/對方還是繼續重覆地念稿)   。

我之前沒有掛斷前面的兩通電話,   純粹是想看她們搞什麼鬼。  今天 (5/19/11) 說我的貴賓卡號碼 被抽中,  需去領獎???     一個領獎方式是準備證件去香港領 (約美金8萬元), and I won't be able to fly out,  of course,   一個是通過國際匯款. 要銀行帳號.....  聽到這裡,    差不多了然於心。   

兩次把我從床上挖起來, 真是夠了 (I was taking a nap)。   我要求說不要再打來了,  我不要意外之財。  電話中聽得到約有四五個女性類似的中文對話(I could hear from the background there were other women reading the same statement)

美國也有類似騙術 :   You had won a lottery  (without buying the ticket or entering by you)  from Canada/some  country, you need to pay the tax in order to get your winning -- a big loom sum.   Believe me.  Many kind folks fall for it.
沒人送錢這麼積極的,  大家注意  !!!!!!!

真是滴,  還害我花時間打這篇     ﹢﹤#﹫﹡

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